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Choroidal neovascularisation on optical coherence tomography angiography in punctate inner choroidopathy and multifocal choroiditis
  1. Ashleigh L Levison1,
  2. Kimberly M Baynes2,
  3. Careen Y Lowder2,
  4. Peter K Kaiser2,
  5. Sunil K Srivastava2
  1. 1Retinal Consultants of Arizona, , Phoenix, AZ, USA
  2. 2Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
  1. Correspondence to Sunil K Srivastava, Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Ave i32, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA; srivass2{at}


Purpose To describe the findings seen on optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) in patients with punctate inner choroidopathy (PIC) and multifocal choroiditis and panuveitis (MCP) complicated by choroidal neovascular membranes.

Methods This was an Institutional Review Board-approved prospective, descriptive case series. 12 patients with PIC and MCP complicated by choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) were included. Each patient underwent slit-lamp examination by a uveitis specialist followed by conventional spectral domain OCT imaging of the macula. OCTA images of the macula were then obtained.

Results 12 patients were enrolled in the study, out of which 9 patients were followed longitudinally. CNV was identified in 11 of the 12 patients. In all patients where fluorescein angiography (FA) was inconclusive for presence of CNV, OCTA identified CNV. Various lesions on OCT suggestive of activity correlated with changes in the vascular structure of OCTA to confirm suspicion of clinical activity.

Conclusion In patients with PIC and MCP complicated by CNV, OCTA successfully identified underlying CNV. Given the difficulty of differentiating inflammatory lesions from early CNV on OCT and FA, OCTA may provide a valuable method of monitoring patients with posterior uveitis highly correlated with development of CNV.

  • Inflammation
  • Neovascularisation
  • Retina

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