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Ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination: reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions to regulatory authorities in the UK


Background/aims The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has published suspected adverse drug reactions to vaccines against COVID-19. Ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination have been reported worldwide.

Methods We analysed MHRA data on spontaneous reports of suspected ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination between January 2021 and September 2022.

Results The MHRA received 300 UK spontaneous suspected reports of ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination, with a calculated prevalence of 6.6 events per 1 000 000 vaccinated individuals. Anterior uveitis was the most common phenotype (58.3%), followed by optic neuritis in 39.3%. Median number of days between vaccination and onset was 8 days. Resolution of the event was seen in 52.3%.

Conclusion Ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination have a very rare prevalence in the UK. There is no increase in the reporting rate of uveitis, optic neuritis and scleritis following COVID-19 vaccination when compared with the range of incidence in the UK population. The Yellow Card System represents a vital instrument within the domain of pharmacovigilance, empowering patients and healthcare professionals to contribute to the ongoing monitoring of medication safety.

  • Covid-19

Data availability statement

Data are available upon reasonable request.

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