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  1. Frank Larkin, Editor in Chief
  1. Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Professor Frank Larkin; f.larkin{at}

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High-risk factors for zonular complications during cataract surgery in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (see page 1193)

High-risk factors for intraoperative zonular complications due to pre-existing zonular dehiscence in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome were poor mydriasis, a shallow anterior chamber, and large lens decentration, emphasising the importance of preoperative assessment of these clinical parameters.

Ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination: reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions to regulatory authorities in the United Kingdom (see page 1200)

Ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination are rare, the most commonly reported phenotype being anterior uveitis.

Association between corneal hysteresis and glaucoma in a Japanese population: the Hisayama Study (see page 1204)

Lower corneal hysteresis was significantly associated with the presence of glaucoma, primary open angle glaucoma and exfoliation glaucoma in a general Japanese population. Corneal hysteresis provides additional information for elucidating the aetiology of glaucoma.

Is primary trabeculectomy cost-effective for patients with advanced primary open angle glaucoma? Results from the Treatment of Advanced Glaucoma Study economic model (see page 1210)

Advanced glaucoma is the major risk factor for lifetime blindness. This study presents evidence that surgery is a cost-effective strategy compared with medical treatment in patients with advanced glaucoma over the patient’s lifetime.

Heterogeneity in disease activity, frequency of treatments, and visual outcomes among patients with retinal vein occlusion: relationship between injection need and vision with as needed ranibizumab (see page 1216)

This post hoc analysis showed a trend for loss of vision gains in patients with macular oedema due to retinal vein occlusion who required the highest number of injections during the as-needed phase of SHORE and HORIZON.

Automated identification of fleck lesions in Stargardt disease using deep learning enhances lesion detection sensitivity and enables morphometric analysis of flecks (see page 1226)

Artificial intelligence (AI) had a high degree of sensitivity in identifying fleck lesions in Stargardt patients. AI-based detection and quantitative assessment of flecks could play an important role in disease monitoring and clinical trial enrolment.

Risk factors for development of hyper-reflective foci overlying drusen in eyes with intermediate age-related macular degeneration (see page 1234)

The presence of overlying ellipsoid zone disruption and a greater drusen height substantially increased the risk of development of intraretinal hyper-reflective foci, whereas drusen further from the fovea were associated with reduced risk.

Predictors of 24-month onset of macular fibrosis in type 3 macular neovascularization (see page 1240)

This study identifies key baseline predictors of 24 month onset of macular fibrosis specific to Type 3 macular neovascularisation, which include the presence of subretinal hyper-reflective material and sub-RPE multilaminar hyper-reflectivity.

Association between age-related macular degeneration and risk of incident cancer (see page 1249)

This study first explored the relationship between age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and risk of site-specific cancers in a large population-based cohort within a nationwide sample. A possible connection may exist between AMD and cancer with hyper-vascularity.

Conversion to faricimab after prior anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy for persistent diabetic macular oedema (see page 1257)

Eyes with persistent diabetic macular oedema despite frequent intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections were switched to faricimab. Statistically significant improvement in central foveal thickness occurred following three faricimab injections, while visual acuity remained stable

Two-year outcomes of different subretinal fluid drainage techniques during vitrectomy for fovea-off rhegmatogenous retinal detachments: ELLIPSOID-2 study (see page 1263)

Two-year data suggest that subretinal fluid drainage through a pre-existing retinal break demonstrates the best outcomes for vision, retinal microstructural integrity, macular oedema, and epiretinal membrane compared with retinotomy or perfluorocarbon liquid for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachments.

Predicting the risk of glaucoma-related adverse events following secondary intraocular lens implantation in paediatric eyes: a 3-year study (see page 1269)

Nomograms with robust predictive ability to identify children at high risk of glaucoma-related adverse events after secondary IOL implantation were developed and validated. An online risk calculator has been subsequently generated based on pre- and post-operative parameters.

Continuous oxygen saturation and risk of retinopathy of prematurity in a Japanese cohort (see page 1275)

Oxygen saturation (SpO2) values outside the target range are associated with severe retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Differences in average and high SpO2 distributions may assist in determining the risk of ROP requiring treatment.

Lacrimal sac massage for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (see page 1281)

This randomised control trial, which included 102 patients aged under one year with unilateral congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction, did not observe an increase in resolution rates with Crigler’s lacrimal sac massage compared with observation.

Diagnostic utility of point-of-care ultrasound and optical coherence tomography for papilloedema in children: a prospective pilot study (see page 1286)

In a prospective observational study of 63 eyes (32 patients), optical coherence tomography and point-of-care ultrasound both showed promising accuracy for detecting papilledoema in children.

Randomised clinical trial of extended depth of focus lenses for controlling myopia progression: outcomes from SEED LVPEI Indian Myopia Study (see page 1292)

Myopia progression in wearers of extended depth of focus Mid contact lenses (up to+1.50 D) was half the magnitude of that observed with single vision spectacles. This indicates the potential of this strategy as a myopia control intervention in children with progressive myopia.

Effectiveness of repeated low-level red-light in myopia prevention and myopia control (see page 1299)

Repeated low-level red light could delay the progression of myopia in children and lower the incidence of myopia in pre-myopic children. It showed better control effects in children with myopia than pre-myopia.

Genetic landscape and prognosis of conjunctival melanoma in Chinese patients (see page 1306)

Some molecular characteristics of conjunctival melanoma in Chinese patients were similar to those reported in Caucasians. Mutations in the FAT4 gene were identified as a novel predictive factor and therapeutic target.

Neuroimaging changes in the pregeniculate visual pathway and chiasmal enlargement in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (see page 1313)

This study revealed that neuroimaging changes of T2 hyperintensity in the optic chiasma/tract and chiasmal enlargement, within the first 3 months of visual loss, were more commonly seen in patients carrying the m.11778G>A mtDNA mutation.

Variant and clinical landscape of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy based on 1516 families with mtDNA variants in a tertiary centre (see page 1318)

This study augments the knowledge of the Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) variant spectrum and natural history, particularly LHON progression. The authors propose a LHON prognostic matrix for improving individualised counselling.

Detailed measurements of the four extraocular rectus muscles’ contribution to the perfusion of the anterior segment of the eye (see page 1328)

Laser speckle contrast imaging can be used for monitoring the perfusion of the anterior segment of the eye while all rectus muscles are detached successively.

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  • Contributors not applicable.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.