Table of contents
November 1968 - Volume 52 - 11
Research Articles
- Communications. Action of Atromid-S (clofibrate) on intra-ocular pressure. (1 November, 1968)
- Bilirubin retinopathy. (1 November, 1968)
- Normal thermal patterns in cornea and periorbital skin. (1 November, 1968)
- Fluorescein photography of generalized dominant fundus dystrophy. (1 November, 1968)
- Fronto-ethmoidal mucocoele as a cause of unilateral proptosis. (1 November, 1968)
- Red filter treatment in eccentric fixation. (1 November, 1968)
- Aniridia and wilms's tumour (nephroblastoma). (1 November, 1968)
- Fundus flavimaculatus. Two familial cases with macular degeneration. (1 November, 1968)
- Still's disease and rheumatoid nodule of the sclera. (1 November, 1968)
- Bilateral optic atrophy in childhood. II. (1 November, 1968)
- Fluorescence ophthalmoscopy. (1 November, 1968)
- Arm-rest for fluorescein photography. (1 November, 1968)