Table of contents
November 1979 - Volume 63 - 11
Research Articles
- International agency for the prevention of blindness. (1 November, 1979)
- Corneal ulceration following measles in Nigerian children. (1 November, 1979)
- Prognosis for rubeosis iridis following central retinal vein occlusion. (1 November, 1979)
- Metastatic tapioca iris melanoma. (1 November, 1979)
- Microcysts of the human iris pigment epithelium. (1 November, 1979)
- Cauterising iris scissors. (1 November, 1979)
- Double-blind clinical trial of topical steroids in anterior uveitis. (1 November, 1979)
- Lysophosphatidyl choline in the aqueous humour during ocular inflammation. (1 November, 1979)
- Management of subluxated and dislocated lenses with the vitrophage. (1 November, 1979)
- Interference of 50 Hz electrical cortical potentials evoked by TV systems. (1 November, 1979)
- Rebound nystagmus: EOG analysis of a case with a floccular tumour. (1 November, 1979)
- Keratoconus, keratoplasty thickness, and endothelial morphology. (1 November, 1979)
- Gentamicin penetration and decay in the human aqueous. (1 November, 1979)
Book Reviews
- Parsons' Diseases of the Eye (1 November, 1979)
- Glaucoma, Conceptions of a Disease: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Therapy (1 November, 1979)
- Plasties et reconstructions orbito-palpébrales (1 November, 1979)