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A double-blind comparison of topical therapy of chlamydial ocular infection (TRIC infection) with rifampicin or chlortetracycline.
  1. S. Darougar,
  2. N. Viswalingam,
  3. H. El-Sheikh,
  4. P. A. Hunter and
  5. P. Yearsley


    A double-blind stratified trial was carried out on 85 patients to assess the efficacy of topical therapy with 1% chlortetracycline eye ointment in comparison with 1% rifampicin eye ointment in the treatment of chlamydial ocular infection of sexually transmitted origin (paratrachoma). Patients included were selected on the basis of positive culture for Chlamydia trachomatis. A 6-week course of treatment with chlortetracycline or rifampicin 3 times daily gave a clinical cure rate of 80% and 75% and a microbiological cure rate of 93% and 86% respectively. In patients who were not cured the intensity of inflammatory responses was considerably reduced.

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