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A modified ERG technique and the results obtained in X-linked retinitis pigmentosa.
  1. G. B. Arden,
  2. R. M. Carter,
  3. C. R. Hogg,
  4. D. J. Powell,
  5. W. J. Ernst,
  6. G. M. Clover,
  7. A. L. Lyness and
  8. M. P. Quinlan


    An electroretinographic (ERG) technique is described in which the relationship between scotopic b wave amplitude and stimulus light intensity is determined. The relative amplitude of scotopic to photopic responses is assessed by means of red light and flicker. The method is applied to the detection of ERG abnormalities in heterozygotes for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. These have been found in only a proportion of cases. The ERG results can be used to suggest the nature of the retinal abnormality.

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