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Scrolls of Descemet's membrane as unusual giant nodules on the posterior cornea: histochemical and ultrastructural findings.
  1. R A Alexander and
  2. A H Rahi


    Unusual giant nodules on the posterior surface of Descemet's membrane were observed in two out of over 400 corneae examined during routine histopathological reporting. Both of the patients, a 60-year-old man and a 26-year-old woman, had histories of corneal trauma. Neither was associated with chronic keratitis or corneal dystrophy. Light microscopy showed these nodules to be composed of material resembling Descemet's membrane. Histochemical and electron microscopical preparations identified oxytalan fibres within the outer layers of the nodules. These fibres are not a feature of the normal adult Descemet's membrane. The findings are discussed and compared with other nodular lesions of Descemet's membrane.

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