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Experimental posterior perforating ocular injury: a controlled study of the gross effects of localised gamma irradiation.
  1. U Chakravarthy,
  2. C J Maguire and
  3. D B Archer


    A pilot study on the effect of localised irradiation applied to the site of a standard perforating injury in the rabbit eye, showed that gamma rays limited the formation of post-traumatic vitreoretinal membranes. A controlled study was therefore undertaken to confirm this observation. Twenty-four pairs of rabbits underwent a standard perforating injury in the right eye. One rabbit of each pair received a radioactive ophthalmic Cobalt applicator and the other a dummy applicator. Nineteen of 24 non-irradiated eyes developed vitreoretinal membranes, with associated traction retinal detachment. Only four of 24 irradiated eyes developed traction retinal detachment.

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