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Serology in ocular toxoplasmosis.
  1. A Rothova,
  2. F van Knapen,
  3. G S Baarsma,
  4. P J Kruit,
  5. D H Loewer-Sieger and
  6. A Kijlstra


    The diagnostic value of toxoplasma serology in ocular disease was evaluated in the following groups of patients: (I) uveitis cases of various causes (n = 291); (II) consecutive posterior and panuveitis patients (n = 60); (III) patients with definite congenital and ocular toxoplasmosis (n = 8); (IV) cases of clinical ocular toxoplasmosis (n = 25); and control patients with uveitis of non-toxoplasma origin (n = 12). No relation was observed between the level of the dye test titres and the diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis (groups I and II). During the active stages of the disease no typical change of the titres occurred in several longitudinally studied patients with toxoplasmosis. In group III one case was discovered to be negative by the dye test despite active ocular disease; however, IgG antibodies against toxoplasma were detected by the ELISA technique. In group IV, which was investigated by the ELISA technique, 100% of the toxoplasmosis patients were positive for IgG versus 58% of the control patients. Circulating immune complexes containing IgG and toxoplasma antigen were detected in seven of 25 toxoplasmosis patients (28%) and in two of 12 control patients (16%). Our study shows that the definite diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis or its exclusion by serological means only is not yet feasible. The possible superiority of the ELISA test to the dye test warrants further investigation.

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