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Ocular autonomic dysfunction and intraocular pressure in leprosy.
  1. S Lewallen,
  2. P Courtright and
  3. H S Lee
  1. Korea Eye Care Project, International Centre for Eye Health, London.


    We examined 241 leprosy patients and 135 age-matched healthy controls in central South Korea, measuring intraocular pressure in the supine and the upright positions and measuring the size of the pupils in darkness as an indication of ocular autonomic dysfunction. The mean intraocular pressure was significantly lower in the patients and the mean size of pupils was significantly smaller in the patients than in the controls. However, there was no correlation between pupil size and intraocular pressure in our patients. Our findings show that leprosy patients have ocular autonomic dysfunction, but do not support previous speculation that this dysfunction is the primary cause for low intraocular pressure in leprosy.

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