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Fluorescein angiographic findings in three patients with long-term intravitreal liquid silicone.
  1. R H Gray,
  2. S J Cringle and
  3. I J Constable
  1. Lions Eye Institute, Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia.


    The long-term retinal effects of intravitreal liquid silicone (ILS) remain controversial. In this study fundus fluorescein angiographic findings in three patients with long-term ILS are presented. Sluggish or absent blood flow was observed in retinal arterioles that lay in close proximity to the ILS, and the arterioles themselves appeared narrowed. It is suggested that ILS may have a long-term effect on the retinal vasculature, owing either to direct vascular damage, secondary to damage to the neuroretina, or to the ILS preventing diffusion of oxygen into the vitreous cavity.

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