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Comparison of the effects of intraocular irrigating solutions on the corneal endothelium in intraocular lens implantation.
  1. M Matsuda,
  2. S Kinoshita,
  3. Y Ohashi,
  4. Y Shimomura,
  5. N Ohguro,
  6. H Okamoto,
  7. T Omoto,
  8. H Hosotani and
  9. H Yoshida
  1. Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University Medical School, Japan.


    We conducted a randomised prospective controlled study to determine the effects of a glucose glutathione bicarbonate solution (BSS Plus) and a citrate acetate bicarbonate solution (S-MA2) on the corneal endothelium in patients undergoing extracapsular cataract extraction with posterior chamber lens implantation. One eye of each patient was randomly assigned to receive BSS Plus, and the other eye to receive S-MA2. BSS Plus caused significantly less corneal swelling on the first postoperative day than did S-MA2. There was no difference between the two solutions in their effect on corneal thickness one week and one month postoperatively. Computer assisted morphometric analysis of wide-field specular microscopic photographs demonstrated minimal changes in endothelial morphological characteristics in the eyes irrigated with BSS Plus. By comparison S-MA2, caused a significant loss of endothelial cells and a marked reduction in the figure coefficient. These results indicated that BSS Plus has a clinical advantage over S-MA2 with respect to the corneal endothelium.

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