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Metipranolol-associated granulomatous anterior uveitis.
  1. T Akingbehin and
  2. J R Villada
  1. Department of Ophthalmology, District General Hospital, Southport.


    This paper presents for the first time documented evidence, clinical details, and photographic illustrations of metipranolol-associated granulomatous anterior uveitis in 26 eyes of 15 patients being treated for glaucoma. There were 56 episodes of granulomatous anterior uveitis, all associated with large (mutton-fat) keratic precipitates, flare, cells, and 'white eyes' (except in seven episodes). In 30 (53.6%) of these episodes there was loss of control of intraocular pressure. Metipranolol 0.6% was implicated in 54 of the 56 episodes and metipranolol 0.3% in the remaining two. Fifty-one other cases of metipranolol-associated granulomatous anterior uveitis have so far been reported from other parts of the country to the Committee on Safety of Medicines. As a result multidose metipranolol in 0.1%, 0.3%, and 0.6% strengths has been withdrawn from clinical use in the United Kingdom. The pathogenesis of this adverse drug reaction is uncertain.

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