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Treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis with intravitreal injection of liposome encapsulated ganciclovir in a patient with AIDS.
  1. S K Akula,
  2. P E Ma,
  3. G A Peyman,
  4. M H Rahimy,
  5. N E Hyslop, Jr,
  6. A Janney and
  7. P Ashton
  1. Department of Medicine, Tulane University Medical Center, New Orleans, LA.


    To study its safety and efficacy in treating cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis, an AIDS patient received an intravitreal injection of liposome encapsulated ganciclovir in the right eye. The left eye served as a control, receiving intravitreal free ganciclovir. The right eye showed no retinal haemorrhages or detachment; however, vision declined initially, stabilising later. Weekly examination showed neither progression of the CMV retinitis nor new lesions in the right eye. The left eye showed reactivation of old CMV retinitis. Liposome encapsulated ganciclovir reduced the number of intravitreal injections, stabilising CMV retinitis, and warrants further study.

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