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Triple procedure; analysis of outcome, refraction, and intraocular lens power calculation
  1. Annette J M Geerards,
  2. Elissa Hassmann,
  3. W Houdijn Beekhuis,
  4. L Remeyer,
  5. Gabriel van Rij,
  6. Wilhelmina J Rijneveld
  1. The Rotterdam Eye Hospital, Schiedamsevest 180, 3011 BH Rotterdam, Netherlands
  1. Annette J M Geerards, MD, The Rotterdam Eye Hospital PO Box 70030, 3000 LM Rotterdam, Netherlands.


AIMS A total of 97 triple procedures performed over a 6 year period were studied retrospectively to determine the best approach to calculate intraocular lens power.

METHODS The cases were divided into two diagnostic categories.

RESULTS After 1 year best corrected visual acuity was 20/40 or better in 37.5% of the cases of the ‘modified group’. This group consists of patients with the diagnosis Fuchs’ dystrophy, non-guttate endothelial dystrophy, and Reis–Buckler dystrophy. Analysis of visual acuity was made using logMAR. A final postoperative refraction within 2 dioptres of predicted refraction was achieved in 76.5% of patients in the modified group.

CONCLUSION In future, in the absence of a keratometry, a keratometry value of 7.49 mm will be used for calculation of the power of the implant as analysed in this study.

  • triple procedure
  • penetrating keratoplasty
  • intraocular lens power
  • refractive outcome

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