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Meta-analysis on the recurrence rates after bare sclera resection with and without mitomycin C use and conjunctival autograft placement in surgery for primary pterygium
  1. Juan Camilo Sánchez-Thorina,b,
  2. Guillermo Rochab,
  3. Julie B Yelinb
  1. aFundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia, bUniversity of South Florida Eye Institute, Tampa, Florida, USA
  1. Juan Camilo Sánchez-Thorin, MD, Avenida 9 No 117−20 (401), Bogotá, Colombia.


BACKGROUND/AIMS Bare sclera resection with and without use of mitomycin C and conjunctival autograft placement are three surgical techniques currently in use for the treatment of primary pterygium. The purpose of this study was to determine through a meta-analysis the risk for postoperative pterygium recurrence comparing the three surgical treatment modalities.

METHODS A search through Medline for randomised controlled clinical trials comparing at least two of the three surgical techniques in the treatment of primary pterygium, along with a hand search of all references in relevant papers, was conducted. All eligible clinical trials were graded for quality utilising the Detsky score; those studies with a score of 0.5 or greater were included. The main outcome measurements were the pooled odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the risk of pterygium recurrence. These were calculated utilising the Mantel–Haenszel method.

RESULTS Five eligible studies with an adequate quality score were retrieved, three comparing bare sclera resection with and without mitomycin C use, one comparing bare sclera resection with conjunctival autograft placement, and one comparing both. The pooled odds ratio for pterygium recurrence in patients who had only bare sclera resection was 6.1 (95% confidence intervals, 1.8 to 18.8) compared with the patients who had conjunctival autograft placement and 25.4 (9.0 to 66.7) compared with the patients who received mitomycin C.

CONCLUSIONS The odds for pterygium recurrence following surgical treatment of primary pterygium are close to six and 25 times higher if no conjunctival autograft placement is performed or if no intra/postoperative mitomycin C is used, respectively. Surgeons and clinical triallists should not be encouraged in the use of bare sclera resection as a surgical technique for primary pterygium.

  • meta-analysis
  • bare sclera resection
  • pterygium
  • mitomycin C

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