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Localised retinal nerve fibre layer defects in chronic experimental high pressure glaucoma in rhesus monkeys


AIM To evaluate prospectively in an experimental model of chronic high pressure glaucoma whether the concept of a mainly diffuse pattern of optic nerve damage holds true for high pressure glaucoma.

METHODS The study comprised nine eyes of nine rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with a mean age of 17.7 (SD 3.1) years (range 13–23 years). Experimental glaucoma was produced by multiple applications of argon laser to the trabecular meshwork. Applanation tonometry was regularly performed and fundus photographs, which were taken serially, were used for retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) assessment and morphometric optic disc analysis. Six monkeys, in which arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis had additionally been induced several years before elevation of intraocular pressure, did not show any sign of diffuse loss or localised defects of the RNFL before initiation of glaucoma.

RESULTS Compared with the same eyes at baseline, localised RNFL defects had developed in eight (89%) eyes. It included all three eyes (100%) of the monkeys without arterial hypertension/arteriosclerosis, and five of the six monkeys (83%) with arterial hypertension/arteriosclerosis. Four eyes had multiple localised RNFL defects. In all eyes, diffuse RNFL loss was additionally present.

CONCLUSIONS Besides diffuse loss of RNFL, localised RNFL defects were present in almost all eyes of monkeys with chronic experimental high pressure glaucoma. Challenging the concept that a mostly diffuse type of optic neuropathy occurs in high pressure glaucoma, the results suggest that, in high pressure glaucoma, at least a mixture of localised and diffuse pattern of optic nerve damage prevails.

  • retinal nerve fibre layer
  • glaucoma
  • rhesus monkeys

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