Table of contents
November 2000 - Volume 84 - 11
- The continuing need to publish laboratory science in clinical journals (1 November, 2000)
- From eye spots to eye shine (1 November, 2000)
- Diabetes and primary open angle glaucoma (1 November, 2000)
From the library
- From the library (1 November, 2000)
Original Articles
- Mooren's ulcer in China: a study of clinical characteristics and treatment (1 November, 2000)
- YAG laser iridotomy treatment for primary angle closure in east Asian eyes (1 November, 2000)
- Local anaesthetic techniques and pulsatile ocular blood flow (1 November, 2000)
- Ocular pulse amplitude in diabetes mellitus (1 November, 2000)
- Evaluation of the Zeiss retinal vessel analyser (1 November, 2000)
- Ocular changes in heredo-oto-ophthalmo-encephalopathy (1 November, 2000)
Clinical science
Laboratory science
Scientific correspondence
- Report of a family with dominantly inherited upper lid entropion (1 November, 2000)
- Fibrillin and the eye (1 November, 2000)
Letters to the Editor
- Sudden bilateral visual loss in acute myeloid leukaemia (1 November, 2000)
- Retinal telangiectasis and angioid streaks (1 November, 2000)
- Blunt trauma in Best's vitelliform macular dystrophy (1 November, 2000)
- Epidermoid carcinoma arising in an ocular leishmania lesion (1 November, 2000)
- Effects of homozygous apolipoprotein A-1 deficiency on the cornea (1 November, 2000)
- Effect of spectacles on changes of spherical hypermetropia in infants (1 November, 2000)
Book Reviews
- Current Oculomotor Research: Physiological and Psychological Aspects (1 November, 2000)
- Glaucoma Medical Therapy. Principles and Management. (1 November, 2000)
- Clinical Strabismus Management: Principles and Surgical Techniques (1 November, 2000)
- Enucleation, Evisceration and Exenteration of the Eye. (1 November, 2000)