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Results of intraoperative mitomycin C application in dacryocystorhinostomy
  1. Shu L Liao,
  2. Shine C S Kao,
  3. Jason H S Tseng,
  4. Muh S Chen,
  5. Ping K Hou
  1. Department of Ophthalmology National Taiwan University Hospital, 7, Chung-Shan S Road Taipei, Taiwan
  1. Dr Shu Lang Liaolang89{at}


AIMS To evaluate the long term results of intraoperative mitomycin C application in dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery compared with results of the conventional procedure.

METHODS In this prospective randomised controlled study, a total of 88 eyes diagnosed with acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction were randomly divided into a conventional DCR group and a mitomycin C group in which mitomycin C was used during DCR surgery. The surgical procedures in both groups were exactly the same, except that in the patients in the mitomycin C group, a piece of neurosurgical cottonoid soaked with 0.2 mg/ml mitomycin C was applied to the osteotomy site for 30 minutes. The results of the DCR surgeries were evaluated by objective findings such as irrigation and the height of tear meniscus and subjective symptoms by asking patients the condition of tearing improvement.

RESULTS Among the 44 eyes in the mitomycin C group, 95.5% of patients remained totally symptom free after 10 months of follow up; while in the conventional group, 70.5% of patients were reported to be symptom free and 18% of patients to have an improvement in their symptoms. There was a significant difference between these two groups. As far as objective findings were concerned, there were 41 eyes in the mitomycin C group classified as having a normal and one eye with moderate tear meniscus level, compared with 32 eyes and seven eyes, respectively, in the conventional group. There was also a significant difference between these two groups. The non-patency rate in the mitomycin C group is 4.5% compared with 11.4% in the conventional group. There were no complications such as abnormal nasal bleeding, mucosal necrosis, or infection except one patient with delayed wound healing.

CONCLUSIONS Intraoperative mitomycin C application is effective in increasing the success rate of DCR surgery in standard nasolacrimal duct obstruction, and no significant complications resulted from its use.

  • nasolacrimal duct obstruction
  • dacryocystorhinostomy
  • mitomycin C

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