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Advanced glycation end products in human optic nerve head


AIMS To localise advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in human optic nerve head.

METHODS Optic nerve samples from 13 elderly individuals (seven diabetics and six non-diabetics) were obtained at necropsy. Pyrraline, an advanced glycation end product, was immunohistochemically localised in the optic nerve heads.

RESULTS In the diabetic subjects, moderate to intense immunoreactivity for pyrraline was detected in sclera, pia mater, cribriform plates, connective tissues in the optic nerve, and around vessels in the optic nerve and pia mater. Immunoreactivity for pyrraline was also detected around retinal vessels. In the non-diabetic subjects, slight or no immunoreactivity for pyrraline was found in cribriform plates and around the optic nerve vessels.

CONCLUSION Accumulation of AGEs in cribriform plates and around vessels in the optic nerve may contribute to the development of optic neuropathy in diabetic patients.

  • glycation
  • optic nerve head
  • pyrraline

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