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“Ford stalled the operation until early July. After coming home from Good Samaritan Hospital, he sat in his darkened bedroom well into that fall, unable to read, watch television, or work. He had little else to do but brood over his future, meditate over his past, and seek solace from his religious faith. Although the operation went as well as could have been expected, Ford was left with permanent visual impairment to his vision in his left eye. According to Olive Carey, he was told not to take off the bandage and he got fed up with it and took it off too soon. That's why one eye went blind. But he could see more with that one eye than a lot of people could with four. For the rest of his life, he wore a patch over his blurred left eye usually under his thick dark glasses. He had to read by holding a book just a few inches from his face. Sometimes he would lift up the patch to read, as a way of avoiding the disorienting effect of looking only through one eye or sometimes because the “good” eye was not working properly. In a sense, however, Ford enjoyed wearing the eye patch, for it gave …

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