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S antigen specific effector T cell activation detected by cytokine flow cytometry


Background/aims: Effector T cell activation is particularly important in the initiation of autoimmune uveitis. This pilot study seeks to demonstrate activation of human peripheral effector T cells in response to the uveitis candidate autoantigen, retinal S antigen (SAg), using cytokine flow cytometry (CFC).

Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) suspensions from uveitis patients and controls were stimulated with bovine SAg. Activation responses were detected by CFC.

Results: Electronic gating enabled analysis of CD69+, IFN-γ+ CD4+ lymphocytes. An SAg specific response was detectable in four of 13 patients and four of eight controls.

Conclusion: SAg specific, peripheral, effector T cell activation can be detected by CFC. Similar levels of responsiveness were seen in patient and control groups. More detailed cytokine profiling may demonstrate functional differences between the groups.

  • uveoretinitis
  • cytokine
  • flow cytometry
  • S antigen
  • CFC, cytokine flow cytometry
  • EAU, experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis
  • PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell
  • PCR, polymerase chain reaction
  • PMA, phorbol myristate acetate
  • SAg, retinal S antigen

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