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Vision impairment in the Pacific region
  1. J E Keeffe1,
  2. K Konyama2,
  3. H R Taylor1
  1. 1Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, WHO Collaborating Centre for the Prevention of Blindness, Melbourne, Australia
  2. 2Juntendo University, WHO Collaborating Centre for the Prevention of Blindness, Tokyo, Japan
  1. Correspondence to: Associate Professor Jill Keeffe, Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, Locked Bag 8, East Melbourne 8002, Australia; jillek{at}


The Western Pacific region is one of great diversity, containing the most populous country, China, and many small Pacific island countries. This review describes the prevalence of blindness and vision loss, illustrates the changing trends in the important causes of vision loss and blindness, and the stages of development of the delivery of eye care services across this region.

  • prevalence
  • Pacific
  • public health
  • low vision
  • blindness

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