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In vivo production of interferon β by human Tenon's fibroblasts; a possible mediator for the development of chronic conjunctival inflammation
  1. L Chang1,2,
  2. D Siriwardena1,
  3. M R Wilkins1,
  4. J G Crowston1,2,
  5. A N Akbar2,
  6. P T Khaw1
  1. 1Wound Healing and Glaucoma Research Unit, Institute of Ophthalmology, Bath Street, London, EC1V 9EL, UK
  2. 2Department Of Clinical Immunology, Royal Free Hospital and University College Hospital School of Medicine, Pond Street, London NW3 2QG, UK
  1. Correspondence to: Lydia Chang, Wound Healing and Glaucoma Research Unit, Institute of Ophthalmology, Bath Street, London EC1V 9EL, UK; glg{at}


Background: Chronic inflammation may develop from failure of the immune system to deactivate itself during resolution of the wound healing response, and is recognised as a major risk factor for trabeculectomy failure. Fibroblast/T cell interactions may contribute to aggressive scarring. Our previous research showed that in vitro human Tenon's fibroblast produced interferon β was responsible for preventing T cell apoptosis, suggesting that this interaction could contribute to the development of chronic inflammation.

Methods: Immunohistological techniques were used to investigate the in vivo components of this particular fibroblast/T cell interaction in conjunctival biopsies from glaucoma patients undergoing filtration surgery.

Results: Fibroblast produced interferon β and T lymphocytes were identified in human conjunctiva.

Conclusion: The components of fibroblast mediated prevention of T cell apoptosis were identified in vivo, suggesting that the development of this interaction is possible and that it may contribute to the development of chronic inflammation and excessive scarring.

  • interferon β
  • inflammation
  • wound healing

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