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20 MHz high frequency ultrasound assessment of scleral and intraocular conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma
  1. D H Char1,
  2. G Kundert2,
  3. R Bove2,
  4. J B Crawford3
  1. 1Stanford University and Tumori Foundation, CA 94114, USA
  2. 2Tumori Foundation, CA, USA
  3. 3UCSF, CA, USA
  1. Correspondence to: Devron H Char, MD, Tumori Foundation, 45 Castro Street, Suite 309, San Francisco, CA 94114, USA; devron{at}


Aim: To assess in a prospective manner, high frequency ultrasound diagnosis of deep invasion by conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma.

Methods: Prospective, non-randomised case series comparing 20 MHz high frequency ultrasonographic and clinicopathological data.

Results: 20 MHz high frequency ultrasound delineated the degree of deep involvement of this tumour into the sclera, globe, and orbit. The results of ultrasonography correlated with the clinicopathological results.

Conclusions: High frequency ultrasound is a useful diagnostic adjunctive test in patients with possible deep involvement by a conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma.

  • ultrasound
  • conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma

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