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- Published on: 22 March 2016
- Published on: 22 March 2016
- Published on: 22 March 2016Trypan blue and cystoid macular oedema: author's replyShow More
Dear Editor,
I thank Lam et al. for their interest. In response to their comments:
As stated in the article and demonstrated in figures 1 B and C, the effect persists when co-morbidity such as diabetes is removed.
Both group’s surgery was performed by the same surgeon who did not have juniors attached to the list.
Not all patients had dilated fundus examination post-operatively. Clin...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared. - Published on: 22 March 2016Cystoid macular oedema with trypan blue useShow More
Dear Editor
We read with interest the article by Gouws et al.[1] on the apparent increased incidence of cystoid macular oedema (CMO) in phacoemulsification patients when trypan blue was used to stain the anterior capsule.
Trypan blue was commonly used in both anterior and posterior segment surgeries.[2-4] If trypan blue does cause macular toxicity, its risks should theoretically be higher when used...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared.