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Visual and ocular findings in children adopted from eastern Europe
  1. M A Grönlund1,
  2. E Aring1,
  3. A Hellström1,
  4. M Landgren2,
  5. K Strömland1
  1. 1Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, Section of Ophthalmology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden
  2. 2Department of Pediatrics, Hospital of Skaraborg, Skövde, Sweden
  1. Correspondence to: Marita Andersson Grönlund MD Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology, The Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital, Sahlgrenska University Hospital/East, SE 416 85 Göteborg, Sweden;


Aims: To evaluate ophthalmological findings in children adopted from eastern Europe.

Methods: A prospective study on 72/99 children, born 1990–5 and adopted from eastern Europe to western Sweden during 1993–7 was performed. The children (41 boys; mean age 7.5 years) were compared with an age and sex matched reference group (“ref”) of Swedish children.

Results: 78% of the adopted children had abnormal ocular findings. 26% (ref 4%) had visual acuity (VA) of the better eye ⩽0.5 (⩾0.3 logMAR) (p = 0.0001) and 8% (ref 0%) were visually impaired (p = 0.01). Amblyopia was found in 15% (ref 2%) (p = 0.005). 22% (ref 10%) were hyperopic (⩾2.0 D SE) (NS) and 10% (ref 1%) were myopic (⩾0.5 D SE) (p = 0.03). Astigmatism (⩾0.75 D) was found in 51% (ref 23%) (p = 0.004). 32% (ref 2%) had strabismus (p<0.0001), mostly esotropia. Four cases had bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia, in three of whom a history of suspected prenatal alcohol exposure was documented. One child had congenital glaucoma. Signs of visuoperceptual problems were recorded in 37% (ref 1%) (p<0.0001).

Conclusion: In this study, children adopted from eastern Europe had a high frequency of ophthalmological findings. Consequently, it is strongly recommended that an ophthalmological examination be performed in these children after arrival in their new home country.

  • FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome
  • IUAE, intrauterine alcohol exposure
  • logMAR, log of the minimal angle of resolution
  • ONH, optic nerve hypoplasia
  • pD, prism dioptres
  • SDS, standard deviation scores
  • SE, spherical equivalent
  • SGA, small for gestational age
  • visual function
  • ocular findings
  • adopted children
  • Eastern Europe
  • FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome
  • IUAE, intrauterine alcohol exposure
  • logMAR, log of the minimal angle of resolution
  • ONH, optic nerve hypoplasia
  • pD, prism dioptres
  • SDS, standard deviation scores
  • SE, spherical equivalent
  • SGA, small for gestational age
  • visual function
  • ocular findings
  • adopted children
  • Eastern Europe

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