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Subjective visual experience has been described previously in patients undergoing intraocular surgery, and may occur during either topical anaesthesia or regional anaesthesia (peribulbar, retrobulbar, subtenons).1–7 Published reports suggest most or all patients undergoing cataract extraction under local anaesthesia will report some visual symptoms when questioned immediately after their procedures. These symptoms are common therefore and range from perception of light, photopsia, colours, and movement, through to more formed visual sensations such as patterns, instruments, and surgeon’s fingers/hands/detail. It is not surprising that patients undergoing vitreoretinal surgery under local anaesthesia might also experience visual symptoms.
We present illustrations and comments (figs 1–4) made by an artist who underwent retinal detachment surgery. He presented with macula-on retinal detachment successfully repaired by vitrectomy, cryotherapy, and 20% SF6 gas performed by peribulbar anaesthesia. They provide an interesting insight into previously unreported …
Disclaimer: the authors have no financial interest in this manuscript.