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Ultrasound biomicroscopy: role in diagnosis and management in 130 consecutive patients evaluated for anterior segment tumours
  1. R M Conway1,2,
  2. T Chew1,
  3. P Golchet1,
  4. K Desai1,
  5. S Lin1,
  6. J O’Brien1
  1. 1Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
  2. 2Sydney Eye Hospital and Save Sight Institute, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
  1. Correspondence to: R Max Conway Sydney Eye Hospital and Save Sight Institute, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia;


Background/aim: Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is an important tool for assessing anterior segment pathology. This study sought to evaluate UBM in the management of anterior segment tumours.

Methods: Retrospective analysis of medical records of consecutive patients referred to the ocular oncology unit, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), for suspected anterior segment tumours from 1999 to 2004.

Results: 132 eyes from 130 patients were evaluated, including 55 uveal melanomas (UM), 21 iris naevi, 30 iris cysts, and 26 remaining lesions. Of the melanomas, 45 were also evaluated with conventional A/B-scan. There was 29% correspondence between the anatomical structures invaded by melanoma as identified by B-scan v disease extent defined by UBM. Ciliary body and peripheral iris involvement by melanomas was significantly more frequently observed by UBM than B-scan. Seven of 30 benign cysts were diagnosed as cystic before UBM evaluation. In three cases, neuroepithelial cysts were associated with intercurrent pathology including iris naevus (n = 2) and ciliary body melanoma (n = 1). Two ciliary body melanomas showed cavitation, including one patient with a pseudocyst. Histopathological correlation was possible in six cases.

Conclusion: UBM is an indispensable tool for the management of anterior segment tumours. This study demonstrates the superiority of UBM v conventional B-scan for the precise localisation of uveal melanoma, especially involving the ciliary body and peripheral iris.

  • CB, ciliary body
  • PBT, proton beam radiotherapy
  • UBM, ultrasound biomicroscopy
  • UCSF, University of California San Francisco
  • UM, uveal melanomas
  • ultrasound biomicroscopy
  • uvea
  • iris
  • ciliary body
  • melanoma
  • CB, ciliary body
  • PBT, proton beam radiotherapy
  • UBM, ultrasound biomicroscopy
  • UCSF, University of California San Francisco
  • UM, uveal melanomas
  • ultrasound biomicroscopy
  • uvea
  • iris
  • ciliary body
  • melanoma

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  • Ethical approval: The current study was carried out with Institutional Review Board approval of the University of California San Francisco and according the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.

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