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Efficacy of mitomycin C associated with direct conjunctival closure and sliding conjunctival graft for pterygium surgery


Aims: To evaluate the comparative efficacy of direct conjunctival closure (DCC) and sliding conjunctival graft (SCG), with and without intraoperative mitomycin C 0.02% (MMC) for pterygium surgery.

Methods: A comparative study consisting of a retropective chart review from our private practice was used to compare the outcome of patients who had undergone pterygium surgery. The eyes were classified according to the surgical technique performed. Group 1 was treated by DCC; Group 2 by DCC and intraoperative MMC; Group 3 by SCG; and Group 4 by SCG and intraoperative MMC. Outcome indicators were the appearance of recurrences and the time lapse before recurrences.

Results: 482 eyes from 327 European Caucasian patients were included. The average follow-up was 19.7 months (SD 30.6). Group 1 comprised 209 eyes, Group 2 107 eyes, Group 3 101 eyes and Group 4 65 eyes. Recurrences appeared in 7.7% of the eyes in Group 1, 4.7% of the eyes in Group 2, 2% of the eyes in Group 3 and 1.5% of the eyes in Group 4.

Conclusion: SCG reduces the appearance of recurrences in primary pterygium surgery. MMC seems to improve the results of surgery associated with DCC. SCG and DCC with MMC seem to achieve similar results.

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