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- Published on: 11 December 2018
- Published on: 11 December 2018Addendum
Dear Editor,
It has come to our attention that three of the patients (# 2 and #3, half-brothers, and #10) from our paper in BJO (1) have been reported previously with video recordings but without eye movement recordings at age 0 to 3 years in symposium proceedings (1) prior to the eye movement recordings made at age 6-11 presented in this study.
Yours sincerely
Irene Gottlob
1) Pieh C, Simonsz-Toth B, Gottlob I. Nystagmus characteristics in congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB). Br J Ophthalmol 2008;92:236-240.
2) Simonsz HJ, Gottlob I, Kommerell G, Hergersberg M, Eriksson AW: Transient Infantile Upgaze Holding Insufficiency: Frühsymptom bei inkompl. cong. stat. Nachtblindheit und periventrikulärer Leukomalazie. Der Ophthalmologe 1998;95(suppl 1/1):178.
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