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Central retinopathy associated with ciliary body and choroidal melanomas
  1. S E Skalicky,
  2. M Giblin,
  3. E C Figueira,
  4. R M Conway
  1. Save Sight Institute, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
  1. Dr R M Conway, RANZCO, Ocular Oncology Unit, c/- Save Sight Institute, GPO Box 4337, 2001, NSW, Australia; rmaxconway{at}

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Various patterns of retinopathy can be responsible for the clinical presentation of uveal melanoma.1 Occasionally a peripheral choroidal or ciliary body melanoma may present with macular pathology.2 We present five cases of maculopathy due to peripheral or central choroidal melanomas. Cases 1–2 represent the first description, to our knowledge, of a peripheral uveal melanoma presenting with a premacular epiretinal membrane. In cases 3–5, the visual disturbance was due to foveal subretinal fluid, which has not been described previously in a preadolescent with ciliary body melanoma.


Case 1 was a man aged 62, and cases 2–5 were women aged 58, 45, 9 and 38 years.

In cases 1 and 2, progressively impaired left visual acuity (6/18 and 6/15) led to the detection of large peripheral ciliochoroidal melanomas (fig 1 …

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