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Imaging vitreomacular interface abnormalities in the coronal plane by simultaneous combined scanning laser and optical coherence tomography


Aim: To describe vitreoretinal imaging of eyes with vitreomacular abnormalities using high-resolution coronal-plane optical coherence tomography (OCT) scanning combined with simultaneous scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) imaging.

Methods: A SLO–OCT (OTI, Canada) was used to scan 835 eyes in 736 patients with vitreomacular interface abnormalities including epiretinal membranes, macular hole, incomplete posterior vitreous detachment, vitreomacular traction syndromes and diabetic and cystoid macular oedema in a retrospective study. The longitudinal-B scan images and the transverse -C scan images in the coronal plane were used to describe vitreomacular interface abnormalities. The SLO–OCT simultaneously produces a confocal image of the retina.

Results: The longitudinal “B” scan and en-face “C” scan images allowed identification of tractive forces of epiretinal membrane, contour of the hyaloid membrane and changes in inner retinal surface. A simultaneously obtained OCT scan and SLO image of the fundus offered exact co-localisation of retinal structures and vitreomacular interface abnormalities.

Conclusion: Scanning the vitreomacular interface by using combined OCT and SLO enables the visualisation and better understanding of various vitreomacular interface abnormalities, due to the ability to colocalise pathology on OCT with retinal vascular landmarks and the ability to visualise pathology from a new perspective, coronal plane parallel to retinal surface.

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