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From questions on page 573

1. How is the sample taken for identification of a nematode, and what is the diagnosis based on microscopic examination? (how is the diagnosis made with the microscopic examination?)

The diagnosis is usually made using morphological characteristics. The parasite was aspirated through a 20-gauge silicone-tipped needle and submitted for parasitological study. The parasite was found to have an unsegmented cuticule and cylindrical structure. The worm was identified as Dirofilaria repens on the basis of morphological characteristics and microscopic evaluation by the Department of Parasitology (fig 2). Diagnosis can also be made with histological examination, blood smear evaluation, serology, and polymerase chain reaction. In the peripheral blood samples, which were taken during the day and night, a parasite was not identified.

2. Which areas are more common for this parasite, and how is it transmitted to humans?

Dirofilaria repens is more common in southern Europe and in eastern Mediterranean countries.1 D repens infection is limited in Turkey.2 This report represents the first case of D repens infection in the …

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