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Glaucoma in indigenous Australians
  1. John Landers1,
  2. Tim Henderson2,
  3. Jamie Craig1
  1. 1Department of Ophthalmology, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
  2. 2Department of Ophthalmology, Alice Springs Hospital, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
  1. Correspondence to Dr John Landers, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, South Australia, 5042, Australia; email: john.landers{at}

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We read with interest the recent article by Chua et al.1 They present an estimation of glaucoma prevalence in indigenous Australians using an ‘epidemiological definition of glaucoma’. It has been found in several previous studies2 3 that this is a group which has a lower prevalence of glaucoma than any other race. This impression is supported by the findings of ophthalmologists who provide ophthalmic care to indigenous Australians. However, despite stating that they employed a well-established epidemiological definition, Chua et al arrived at a prevalence which was greater than that seen in Caucasian groups.4 5 Therefore, the question should be raised, ‘why did this occur?’

Foster et al6 stated that the population prevalence of glaucoma should be determined under three categories, the first two of these …

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