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MRI of the Ex-PRESS stainless steel glaucoma drainage device
  1. Leonard K Seibold1,
  2. Ronald A L Rorrer2,
  3. Malik Y Kahook1
  1. 1Department of Ophthalmology, Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute, University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora, Colorado, USA
  2. 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr Malik Y Kahook, Department of Ophthalmology, Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute, University of Colorado at Denver, 1675 Aurora Court, Mail Stop F-731, PO BOX 6510, Aurora, CO 80045, USA; malik.kahook{at}


Aim To evaluate the magnetic properties of the Ex-PRESS stainless steel glaucoma drainage device during MRI.

Design Experimental study.

Methods The Ex-PRESS glaucoma drainage device (316L stainless steel) was examined for magnetic field interactions under standard 1.5, 3.0, and 4.7 T MRI scanning protocols. Testing included measurements of translational and rotational motion of the device induced by static magnetic fields. In addition, the change in the temperature of the device was measured to assess the presence of radiofrequency heating of the stainless steel device.

Main outcome measures Degree of angular deflection, device displacement and rotation, and change in temperature.

Results During induced torque testing, displacement did not occur under 1.5 and 3.0 T conditions, although a significant amount of displacement occurred in the 4.7 T environment. Increasing amounts of angular deflection were demonstrated at all three field strengths. We did not record significant temperature changes during brain MRI sequences at any of the three MRI strengths.

Conclusions The Ex-PRESS glaucoma drainage device, manufactured from grade 316L stainless steel, does move in the presence of high magnetic fields. The clinical significance of this finding and translation to in vivo conditions are not currently known. Further studies are needed to better understand how patients might be affected by the magnetic properties of this device post implantation and how patients should be counselled in regards to safety of MRI in the early and late postoperative period.

  • Ex-PRESS
  • 316L stainless steel
  • MRI
  • magnetic
  • safety
  • glaucoma
  • intraocular pressure
  • imaging
  • diagnostic tests/investigation
  • treatment surgery
  • experimental laboratory

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  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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