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The Graeae sisters: one eye for three
  1. Tasneem Khatib,
  2. Arun D Singh,
  3. Harminder S Dua

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The phenomenon of reflection lies at the heart of our ability to see objects. Almost all natural light emanates from the stars including the sun. Light reflected from objects is focused on the retina of the eye creating images that allow the beholder to perceive objects. Light, reflection and eye(s) make intriguing ingredients of many legends in mythology as illustrated in the following story:

When King of Argos, Acrisius, visited the Oracle at Delphi, it was prophesised that he would die at the hands of his daughter's son. His daughter, Danae, was childless at the time and in order to ensure she did not bear a son, Acrisius imprisoned her. However, the Greek god Zeus, came to Danae as a ‘shower of golden rain’ in the prison and a son, Perseus was born to Danae.1

Acrisius learnt …

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