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A modified digital slit lamp camera system for transillumination photography of intraocular tumours


Purpose To describe a new technique for transillumination photography of uveal melanoma and other intraocular tumours based on a simple modification of a standard digital slit lamp camera system.

Methods Transillumination imaging was performed with a digital slit lamp camera (Photo-Slit Lamp BX 900; Haag-Streit, Koeniz, Switzerland) modified by releasing the distal end of the background illumination fibre cable from its holder. The patient's eye was held open, and the head was positioned on the head and chin rest of the slit lamp. Transillumination was achieved by gently pressing the tip of the light fibre cable against the globe. The camera was then fired and the flash delivered through the cable while synchronising with the camera shutter.

Results This technique was applied in five patients with ciliary body or anterior choroidal tumours. Photographs were of good diagnostic quality, making it possible to outline the tumour borders and evaluate any ciliary body involvement. No patient experienced discomfort or negative side effects.

Conclusions We recommend this technique in all cases where transillumination and photographic documentation of intraocular tumours are considered important.

  • Uveal melanoma
  • transocular
  • transpupillary
  • transillumination
  • photography
  • imaging
  • neoplasia
  • pathology
  • retina
  • vitreous

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