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Eye enucleations in Beijing Tongren Hospital in the last 50 years
  1. Bowen Zhao1,
  2. Xiaolin Xu1,
  3. Bin Li1,
  4. Fei Gao1,
  5. Liaoqing Li1,
  6. Ling Shen1,
  7. Shuwei Bai1,
  8. Liang Li1,
  9. Bo Meng1,
  10. Jost B Jonas2
  1. 1Beijing Tongren Eye Centre, Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
  2. 2Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty Mannheim of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany
  1. Correspondence to Professor Bin Li, MD, Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Capital Medical University, 17 Hougou Street, Chong Wen Men, 100005 Beijing, China; Tel: + 8610 58268264; Fax: + 8610 65125617; libin43_99{at}yahoo.comBZ and XX contributed equally

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Analysis of the causes for enucleation can give hints for the spectrum of severe ocular diseases and for tendencies in surgical treatment of ocular disorders.1–6 Since little information on enucleation causes has been available for China, we investigated the reasons for enucleations in one of the leading referral ophthalmic centres of China.


For the last 50 years, the Beijing Tongren Eye Centre has been one of the best known eye hospitals all over China, with 784 000 patients treated and 59 000 ocular surgeries performed in 2010. All enucleated eyes have routinely been histologically examined in the centre's department of ocular pathology. In the study period from 1960 to 2009, the pathology department received 9185 enucleated globes. Histopathological and clinical charts provided general and clinical data, and histological paraffin sections stained with H&E were available for all eyes. The main diagnoses as causes for enucleation were divided into glaucoma, tumour, infection and inflammation, eyeball …

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  • Contributors All authors contributed to the design of the study; to the examination and discussion of the histological slides and results; BZ and JBJ contributed to the statistical analysis; BZ and JBJ wrote the first version of the manuscript; and all authors were involved in the final preparation of the manuscript.

  • Funding This work was supported by the National Bureau of Chinese traditional medicine, grant number (06-07ZP01).

  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.