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Eye, magnetism and magnets
  1. Richard Keeler1,
  2. Arun D Singh2,3,
  3. Harminder S Dua4
  1. 1London, UK
  2. 2Department of Ophthalmic Oncology, Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
  3. 3Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA
  4. 4Ophthalmology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
  1. Correspondence to Mr Richard Keeler, 1 Brookfield Park, London NW5 1ES, UK; rkeeler{at}

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Mankind has always been familiar with the magnetism or drawing power of the eyes. Eye contact between mother and child is a strong force in bonding between the two. Eye contact is also the initial signal of attraction between two individuals, triggering special emotions especially if the attraction is mutual. Paramhansa Yongnanda describes magnetism, which originates in the ‘Infinite Spirit’, as the power by which one draws things to oneself like the right partner, friends, business associates and others. ‘Each human being is a medium through which God's magnetism flows. ‘All parts of the body that come in pairs’ such as eyes, ears, hands ‘form magnets’. ‘Soul magnetism is expressed through the eyes, weakly or strongly, depending on one's spiritual development. Some highly developed people are able to spiritualise or heal others solely by the magnetism of their eyes’.

Magnetism transcends from the spiritual to the physical. Iron is an essential element for most living animals and iron compounds abound in Nature. Magnetite, an oxide of iron is the most magnetic mineral on Earth. The ability of naturally occurring pieces of ‘rock’, termed ‘lodestone’ to attract iron particles –‘magnetism’ was known to ancient Man. Crystals of magnetite are distributed extensively in cells and in some species they enable ‘magnetoreception’, a special …

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