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A master mastering the ophthalmoscope: Eduard von Jaeger
  1. Richard Keeler,
  2. Arun D Singh,
  3. Harminder Singh Dua

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No matter from which perspective one views the history of Ophthalmology, the invention of the ophthalmoscope by Helmholtz stands out as one of the most, if not the most significant event. Several modifications and adaptations followed some surviving and others remaining buried in History.

The ophthalmoscope featured on the cover of this issue of the BJO is that of Eduard von Jaeger (1818–1884, figure 1) who was the grandson of George Beer and son of an even more famous ophthalmologist, Friedrick Jaeger. Friedrick Jaeger was mentor and teacher of his son Eduard and of Frédéric Jules Sichel (credited with bringing modern ophthalmology to France) and young Albrecht von Graefe, all of whom he taught surgery of the eye and each of them went on to become outstanding …

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