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Clinical evaluation of a multifocal aspheric diffractive intraocular lens
  1. Stefanie Schmickler1,
  2. Carlos Palomino Bautista2,
  3. Frank Goes3,
  4. Sunil Shah4,5,
  5. James S Wolffsohn5
  1. 1Augen-Zentrum-Nordwest, Ahaus, Germany
  2. 2Hospital Universitario Quirón, Madrid, Spain
  3. 3Goes Eye Center, Antwerp, Belgium
  4. 4Midland Eye, Solihull, UK
  5. 5Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
  1. Correspondence to Professor James Wolffsohn, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK; j.s.w.wolffsohn{at}


Aim To evaluate the performance of an aspheric diffractive multifocal acrylic intraocular lens (IOL), ZMB00 1-Piece Tecnis.

Setting Five sites across Europe.

Methods Fifty-two patients with cataracts (average age 68.5±10.5 years, 35 female) were bilaterally implanted with the aspheric diffractive multifocal IOL after completing a questionnaire regarding their optical visual symptoms, use of visual correction and their visual satisfaction. The questionnaire was completed again 4–6 months after surgery along with measures of uncorrected and best-corrected distance and near visual acuity, under photopic and mesopic lighting, reading ability, defocus curve testing and ocular examination for adverse events.

Results The residual refractive error was 0.01±0.47D with 56% of eyes within ±0.25D and 97% within ±1.0D. Uncorrected visual acuity was 0.02±0.10logMAR at distance and 0.15±0.30 logMAR at near, only reducing to 0.07±0.10logMAR at distance and 0.21±0.25logMAR at near in mesopic conditions.The defocus curve showed a near addition between 2.5–3.0 D allowing a reading acuity of 0.08±0.13 logMAR, with a range of clear vision <0.3 logMAR of ∼4.0 D. The average reading speed was 121.4±30.8 words per minute. Spectacle independence was 100% for distance and 88% for near, with high levels of satisfaction reported. Overall rating of vision without glasses could be explained (r=0.760) by preoperative best-corrected distance acuity, postoperative reading acuity and postoperative uncorrected distance acuity in photopic conditions (p<0.001). Only two minor adverse events occurred.

Conclusions The ZMB00 1-Piece Tecnis multifocal IOL provides a good visual outcome at distance and near with minimal adverse effects.

  • Lens and zonules
  • Optics and Refraction
  • Treatment Surgery

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