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Percent reduction in proptosis after teprotumumab treatment for thyroid eye disease
  1. Tatiana R Rosenblatt,
  2. Carolina A Chiou,
  3. Michael K Yoon,
  4. Nahyoung Grace Lee,
  5. Natalie Wolkow,
  6. Suzanne K Freitag
  1. Department of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr Tatiana R Rosenblatt; trosenblatt{at}


Prior studies of teprotumumab for thyroid eye disease report proptosis reduction in millimetres, which does not fully capture teprotumumab’s clinical effect since a given number of millimetres change can be of variable impact depending on patients’ degree of pre-treatment proptosis. In this retrospective study analysing proptosis change as a percentage of pre-treatment proptosis among 119 patients, 208 (87.4%) eyes of 110 patients had proptosis reduction averaging 14.4% (range 2.2–40.5%) of their pre-treatment proptosis, or 3.3 mm (range 0.5–10.0 mm). Reporting proptosis reduction as a percentage of pre-treatment proptosis provides a better understanding of teprotumumab’s clinical impact.

  • Orbit
  • Inflammation
  • Eye Lids
  • Treatment Medical
  • Cosmesis

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  • Contributors TRR: data curation, methodology, formal analysis, visualization, writing – original draft, writing – review and editingCAC: data curation, methodology, writing – review and editingMKY: methodology, writing – review and editingNGL: methodology, writing – review and editingNW: methodology, writing – review and editingSKF: conceptualization, methodology, supervision, writing – review and editing.

  • Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

  • Competing interests Competing Interests: TRR: None; CAC: None; MKY: Sling (Researcher), Viridian (Researcher); NGL: None; NW: None; SKF: ASPEN/Third Rock (Consultant), Horizon (Consultant), Immunovant (Consultant), Kriya (Consultant), Lassen (Consultant), Medtronic (Consultant), Poriferous (Consultant), Sling (Consultant), Viridan (Consultant), WL Gore (Consultant)

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.