Table 1

Effect of IL-13 treatment on blood leucocyte levels (±SEM)

Normal rangeTime
Total 7–15×106/μlPMN 30–55%Lymphocytes 35–70%Monocytes 1–5%
Animal groups:
 ControlsDay 06.96  (0.61)46.2 (3.2)46.0 (1.9)3.0 (0.7)
Day 288.42 (1.25)45.4 (9.2)45.0 (8.7)4.2 (1.0)
 IL-13 treatedDay 08.73 (1.71)51.7 (12.0)41.7 (11.4)1.7 (0.8)
Day 2813.1 (2.21)66.2 (6.1)29.2 (5.8)1.7 (0.8)
  • Blood samples were collected on the day of treatment initiation (day 0) and at the end of the treatment period (day 28). Blood leucocytes numbers were determined with an automatic Coulter counter.