Table 1

Clinical and neuroradiological findings of children suffering from permanent cerebral visual impairment

Patient No
Type of cerebral palsyType of analysisFindings on neuroimagingRefraction right eye (SE)Refraction left eye (SE)Cover test
1F116Spastic tetraplegiaMRI and CT scanParietal and occipital PVL associated with corpum callusum hypoplasySF −7.25SF −7.00NP
2M84Spastic tetraplegiaMRI and CT scanDiffuse retarded myelination associated with corpum callusum dysplasySF +1.00SF +0.50XT LE
3F72Spastic tetraplegiaMRIDiffuse PVL along the left optic radiation with posterior horn ventricle dilatation (L>R)SF +0.25SF +1.50XT # ET RE DVD
4F54Hypotonic tetraplegiaMRI and CT scanMicrocephaly with diffuse retarded myelinationSF −1.00SF −1.00Orth # ET RE DVD
5M70Spastic tetraplegiaMRISevere cerebral atrophy with frontal and occipital ventricle dilatationSF +1.25SF +1.25Orthotropia
6F21Left spastic hemiplegiaMRI and CT scanCyst secundary to right hemispherectomy (former right hemimegalencephaly)SF +1.50SF +0.75Orth # XT LE
7F49Spastic tetraplegiaMRI and CT scanExtended occipital encephaloceleSF + 2.00SF +2.00Orth # XT RE
8F45Spastic tetraplegiaMRIPontocerebellar atrophy associated with posterior ventricle dilatationSF +1.50SF +1.50Orth # XT RE
9M54Spastic tetraplegiaMRI and CT scanExtended bilateral cerebral atrophy with posterior ventricle dilatationSF +3.00SF +3.00Orth # ET LE
Optic disc colour
Cover test nearPattern of nystagmusPupil reflexRELE
NPNystagmoid eye movements


LatensNTemporal pallorTemporal pallor
Orth # ET RE DVD

LatensNMild pallorMild pallor

Orth # XT LE

Manifest rotatorySluggishTemporal pallorTemporal pallor
Orth #XT RELatensNChalk whiteChalk white
Orth # XT RE

Orth # ET LENOptic disc hypoplasiaOptic disc hypoplasia
  • PVL = periventricular leucomalacia; L>R = left side more than right side; DVD = dissociated vertical deviation;Orth # XT = variable angle from orthotropia to exotropia; Orth # ET = variable angle from orthotropia to esotropia; XT # ET = dyskinetic strabismus from exotropia to esotropia; N = normal; NP = not possible; SE = spheric equivalent.