Table 2

Patient characteristics (n=70)

Age (years)
 mean (SD)53.3 (13.1)
Sex (F/M)50/20
Duration GO (months)
 median (range)12.0 (1–206)
Duration GTD (months)
 median (range)18.0 (0–456)
Severity of GO (NO SPECS)
 soft tissue involvement: class 2 (0/a/b/c)6/42/19/3
 proptosis: class 3 (0/a/b/c)52/11/7/0
 extraocular muscle involvement: class 4  (0/a/b/c)11/26/30/3
 corneal involvement: class 5 (0/a)69/1
 optic nerve involvement: class 6 (0/a/b/c)67/0/3/0
 TES (median (range)) 9 (2–28)
Activity of GO (CAS (mean (SD)))2.6 (1.3)
  • GO=Graves’ ophthalmopathy; GTD=Graves’ thyroid disease.

  • TES=total eye score is calculated by multiplying each class of the NO SPECS system (except class 5) with its grade of severity (0=0; a=1; b=2; c=3 points), yielding a maximum total score of 45 points14 (Since all patients had symptoms, class 1 is not taken into account).

  • CAS=clinical activity score is based on signs of pain, redness, swelling, and impaired function (range 0-7).