Table 3

Correlation between the DLTV items and each of minVA, maxVA, and avgVA for all three disorder groups. Negative correlations are seen because on the logMAR scale better vision is represented by smaller numbers

ItemAcuity in better eyeAcuity in worse eyeAverage acuity
Distinguishing faces across a room−0.64−0.38−0.55
Seeing objects off to one side−0.21−0.28−0.29
Watching TV−0.56−0.50−0.60
Seeing and using steps−0.37−0.56−0.57
Enjoying scenery−0.61−0.46−0.60
Reading road signs−0.71−0.55−0.71
Distinguishing faces across the street−0.65−0.60−0.71
Recognising seasonal changes−0.59−0.44−0.58
Distinguishing faces at arm’s length−0.51−0.34−0.46
Pouring oneself a drink−0.46−0.41−0.50
Cutting food on a plate−0.36−0.30−0.37
Cutting finger nails−0.64−0.42−0.58
Using kitchen appliances−0.41−0.37−0.44
Adjusting to darkness−0.39−0.37−0.44
Adusting to light−0.26−0.44−0.44
Confidence in immediate neighbourhood−0.22−0.46−0.43
Confidence outside neighbourhood−0.44−0.52−0.57
Read normal sized newsprint−0.68−0.58−0.72
Read newspaper headlines−0.66−0.47−0.63
Read correspondence−0.68−0.59−0.73
Signing documents−0.68−0.46−0.63
Identifying money−0.68−0.51−0.66
Self rating of overall distance vision−0.56−0.54−0.63
Self rating of overall near vision−0.55−0.48−0.58
  • Significance levels: correlation coefficientr = 0.19 * p<0.05,r = 0.25 * p<0.01,r = 0.32 * p<0.001.