Table 3

Summary of reported drug induced ocular reactions

amiodaroneoptic neuropathysudden visual loss
chlorothiazideoculomotor nerve palsy
chlorpropamideoptic neuropathyvisual loss
glibenclamide(1) myopia, (2) hyperopia, (3) lens changesvision returned to normal on stopping therapy
interferonretinopathymostly asymptomatic
streptokinaseretinal/vitreous haemorrhagemarked reduction in vision
warfarinvitreous haemorrhageblindness
erythropoietinvisual hallucinationsmechanism uncertain
isoniazidoptic neuropathyvision normalised after stopping
ethambutoloptic neuropathy
phenformin + ethanolblindnesssecondary to lactic acidosis following drinking binge
oral contraceptive(1) diabetic retinopathy, (2) colour vision disturbance(1) no adverse effect (2) mechanism uncertain
phenothiazinescataractslarge study−strong association
allopurinolcataractsrisk independent of diabetes in one study but significant factor in another
cidofoviriritis + hypotonyiritis more likely in diabetes
scopolamineacute angle glaucomapredictable from transdermal patch
steroids (oral)open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertensionlarge study confirmed increased risk
steroids (oral)cataractsincreased risk
steroids (eye drops) cataractssmall study but significant risk
steroids (inhaled)cataractsincreased risk
OKT3 reduced visual acuityuncertain mechanism