Table 1

Preoperative subject and ocular characteristics (n = 488 eyes of 480 subjects)

Age (years)
BSCVA = best spectacle corrected visual acuity; log MAR = log minimum angle of resolution; log MAR 0.88 corresponds to approximately 6/48+1 and log MAR 0.2 to approximately 6/9 Snellen equivalent.
    Mean (SD)74.9 (9.6)
Sex (female)62%
Right eyen = 242
Left eyen = 246
No previous contralateral cataract surgeryn = 212
Previous contralateral cataract surgeryn = 268
Ethnic origin
    Europeann = 346 (72%)
    Pacific Islandern = 48 (10%)
    Maorin = 38 (8%)
    Asiann = 33 (7%)
    Othern = 15 (3%)
    Eye for cataract surgery (log MAR)0.88 (0.6)0.5
    Fellow eye (log MAR)0.2 (0.4)0.2